
ITK Engineering GmbH
Im Speyerer Tal 6
76761 Rülzheim, GERMANY
Phone: +49 7272 7703-0
Fax: +49 7272 7703-100
E-mail: info[at]

Company founded: 1994 (as an engineering office)
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Prof. Volker Schilling
Senior Management: Dr. Frank Schmidt, Jens Hofmann
Headquarters: 76761 Rülzheim, GERMANY
Registry court: Landau District Court
Commercial Registry No. 32046
USt-ID-No./VAT-ID-No.: DE813165046
Responsible for contents according to § 10, 3 MDStV: Dr. Frank Schmidt

Picture Credits:
© Stefan Hohloch, © Nico Bohnert, © Klaus Junk, © Nikolay Kazakov, © Bosch Industry Consulting, Shutterstock, Deposit Photos, iStock, Getty Images, Unity Asset Store

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Our website may include links to external websites outside the scope of our influence. For this reason, we cannot assume any form of liability for the contents of external websites. The provider or operator of the website concerned is responsible for the content.

Concept and programming:
United Digital Group