Divided picture: ITK founder today and at the start of the company

A corporate subsidiary with a great history

“That was my initial vision – to make machines and algorithms intelligent.”
Michael Englert, Founder

How it all began

A 486 DX 4 processor, 8 MB of RAM, and an 80 MB hard disk – those specs would hardly elicit a smile today, but they were state of the art when ITK was founded in 1994. Equipped with a small computer and a great passion for technical cybernetics, Michael founded ITK in a basement office in Kuhardt with the vision of instilling intelligence in machines.

ITK history based on a timeline
Lutz Schüle, seit 1999 bei ITK

Theses days, I am a business unit manager for the Medical Technology division. ITK has always afforded me the opportunity to get to know different lines of business over the past 20 years. I was able to work on projects in the automotive sector as well as in medical engineering. That’s exactly what has enabled me to grow with my tasks and help shape the company.

Lutz Schuele, working at ITK since 1999
Michael Englert, Gründer ITK Engineering, über den Verkauf des Unternehmens an Bosch

The time has come for us to look for a strategic partner in a highly competitive market. With Bosch, we will be able to better position our core competencies on the international market. What’s more, we can also better exploit growth opportunities, particularly through digitalization, and play an even more active role in shaping the market across all sectors. For our employees, this move offers security and ensures our company can continue pursuing its visions.

Michael Englert, commenting on the sale of the company to Bosch

Ready for tomorrow. Leading the way into the future

Progressive Geschäftsfrau steckt das Ladekabel von der Ladestation in ihr Elektrofahrzeug, im Hintergrund ein Apartment-Gebäude. Umweltfreundliches aufladbares Auto, betrieben mit nachhaltiger Energie.
Progressive businesswoman insert charger plug from charging station to her electric vehicle with apartment condo building in background. Eco friendly rechargeable car powered by sustainable energy


A secluded little spot at our headquarters in RLZ holds the heart of ITK’s history. Feel free to take a peek inside on your next visit.